How Do I Make A Mold?

Posted by composimold on 3rd Aug 2018

How Do I Make A Mold?

Experiment. That's how you learn to make molds. Making molds is a skill that requires practice, just like any artistic skill. Painting takes practice, Drawing takes practice, sculpting takes work. With mold making, you can practice all you want with ComposiMold Reusable Mold Making Materials. 

The easiest method is to use the Reusable Molding Putty, ImPRESSive Putty. Heat and press over your part you want to duplicate. That's it. You've made your first mold. After that, it's just practice at getting better and experimenting with different casting materials and objects that you want to duplicate.

Soon you'll be making molds as easy as you can write your name. Maybe not that easy, but it will become easier with practice.

The ComposiMold is also reusable, but it is a pourable version, so a heat and pour reusable molding material. 

Whether you're doing food safe materials such as chocolate or fondant, or resins or plaster, it's really the same process. 

For a full-in-depth mold making guide, be sure to get your free mold making guide on our learn to mold page.

 Should have used ComposiMold :)